A Little Bit More About Us And Our Mission

Hard working, long hours, sound familiar?... we know all about it! Just like you we are tradies (landscapers) that have done our time and been on the grind for some 10 years combined now. After going through the phases of working on job sites in Melbourne over the years, we began to notice how often our phone's, as well as our friends phones were getting damaged, and we were SHOCKED that no one was catering for this market. It just felt like there was no specific brand or target for device protection for tradies, hence what now brings us to TRADE ARMOUR. This is an exciting time for us and we are looking forward to try and develop a brand that fellow tradesmen can trust, use and recommend in Australia. If you have any queries, or anything... please feel free to reach out to us > tradearmour@gmail.com


Tough, durable, shockproof, waterproof, phone case for tradesmen (or tradies).

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